2D Animation Compilation

These strange animations are mostly collected from animated music videos I’ve done over the past 14 years. As you can see, most of the narrative tends to be more surreal and weird, flowing like a dream.

I’m inspired by how scenes in a dream can morph into something else, but the dreamer doesn’t even question it (unless in a lucid dream). The highly emotional and illogical nature of dreams likely has something to do with the prefrontal cortex being less active during REM sleep.

My favorite thing about hand drawn animation is you can animate anything.

Language fails at truly showing anyone else what’s inside your head. Words are too interpretive. In this sense, no matter how much you reach out to someone, we’re all alone in our heads with our own unique experiences.

Animation allows you to bypass language and project your dreams onto a screen for other people to see. The bad thing about animation is it takes 100 hours to animate like 1 second of footage.

I hope you enjoy!

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